Read more about Coppice Primary School in our School Prospectus which is designed to introduce you to our school and give you further information to accompany that found on this website.
Our Prospectus includes our aims and information on the school day, pastoral care and discipline, the curriculum, special educational needs, attendance, holidays and absences, medical information, admission arrangements, homework, safety and much more.
Legally children have a right to a school place at the beginning of the term after their fifth birthday. In schools controlled by Birmingham Local Education Authority they may come to school at the beginning of the academic year in which they will be five.
A child who is four years old by 31st August may come to school the following September if his or her parents so wish. If not they may reserve the right for the child to start at the statutory time.
Priority is given to children with brothers or sisters in school at the time of admission and then to those living closest to school, measured by straight line distance on a map.
The Local Education Authority should send parents with pre-school age children a pre-printed 'preference form' by the end of the October prior to the child starting school. Parents are encouraged to access the 'Information Booklet' only and make their application online. Local schools will advertise their 'Open Mornings' to help parents to make their final choices.
Individual Schools now maintain In-Year waiting lists. Parents will need to complete an 'Application for a Change of School Form'. The application form is available from individual schools or from School Admissions and Pupil Placments Service on 0121 303 1888. The waiting list gives priority to children with brothers and sisters already at the school and then to children living closest to the school. Schools are able to offer places to children if they have a vacancy in the required year group.