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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!



A warm welcome to Year One. Miss Labbett, Mrs Ward and Miss Cook are so excited for the year ahead.



Reading at home is the best way that you can help your child. Reading for just five minutes a day will make a huge difference!


Please send your reading books into school every day. A new reading book will be sent home once a week. 


Library books will be collected on a Thursday, when a new book will also be issued. We will only be able to issue a new book when the old one has been returned. Please look after the books - any damaged or lost books will need to be replaced before receiving a new book.



Homework will go home on a Thursday. Your child will bring home a phonics sheet and a maths sheet. Children can keep hold of the phonics worksheet to support learning consolidation at home. The maths sheet can be returned to school.


Forest School

Forest School will be on Thursday afternoon. The children will need to bring in waterproofs and appropriate footwear in a named bag. The children will get changed in school and stay in their clothes afterwards. They will not get changed before going home and will bring their school uniform home. We would be grateful if children could practice getting changed independently at home, which will allow them to enjoy more time in the forest.



Children will need to come into school wearing their PE uniform. Our PE days will be on:





Here are some of the things that we will be getting up to in Year One.



