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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!



Teachers 4M: Mr Matthiesen 

Teachers 4RS: Mrs Senior (Mon-Wed) & Mrs Ross (Wed-Fr)

TAs: Miss Aslam (Mon), Mrs Jarvis (Tu) & Miss Holland (Wed-Fr)


What's going on?


P.E. days are Monday and Tuesday.

Indoor on a Monday

Outdoor on a Tuesday.


Please send your child into school in appropriate clothing for the session. When the weather is cold and miserable, please accommodate for this.




Homework is assigned on a Friday and due in the following Thursday.


Children should spend up to 30 minutes on each piece of homework and can supplement time not used on set tasks by practising their times tables - these are particularly a key focus in year 4, where the children will sit the statutory Times Tables Check.

To help with times tables, you can also use these times tables songs: 

Times Tables Songs

Credit: @laughalongandlearn


Reading: This is a key focus at Coppice and will help shape the children's lives. Please listen to your child read daily and speak to them about the books they are reading. It is vital that as parents and teachers, we are engaged in the children's reading interests and guide them through key questioning. 

After the first 2 weeks of guided reading, your child will take home their school reading book, which they will keep for 2 weeks, but must return before a new book is issued. This is in line with the new reading fluency for year 4.


Spellings: Each week, your child will receive a list of spellings to practise. The new spellings will be sent home on a Wednesday and the children will be tested the following week.


Library Books: Your child will choose a new library book to take home. Please ensure this book is kept in your child's school bag, so that it is always present in school. There is no expectation to change the book on a weekly basis, as with chapter books, it can take longer to complete the book. Good books are not to be rushed!

Knowledge Organisers


Please find Knowledge Organisers attached to give you an overview of the learning to take place across all terms in Year 4. These organisers will replace the curriculum overviews and provide key information for the topics being covered.

Paper copies will be handed out at the start of each unit for children to bring home.

Year 4 Common Exception Words
