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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

2024 - 2025



On this page, you will find all you need to know about Year 3! 



3C - Miss Cotter 

3GS - Mrs Guest (Monday & Tuesday) Mrs Sandhi (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) 

Teaching Assistant- Mrs McElhannan (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) and Mrs Jarvis (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)



Indoor PE- Monday morning. 

Outdoor PE- Wednesday morning. 


Please ensure your child is wearing their PE top, dark coloured bottoms, school jumper/cardigan and trainers. 

Homework Information: 


Reading: Reading diaries and books will go home, and should be returned, every day so that children can enjoy their book both at home and at school. The children have chosen a book which can be returned and exchanged at school once it is finished any day of the week. They will also be sent home with a Little Wandle book once a fortnight. Your child will not receive a new book until the old one has been returned. 


Maths: Homework will go home as a paper copy, in a green folder, every Friday. It should be returned to school by Wednesday. This will then be marked in class. 


Spelling: Your child will be sent home with 6 words each week to practise at home with a recommended spelling strategy to learn them. This sheet stays at home for future reference. The spelling will be revisited in class the following week so it is important to learn them and be confident. 

RESOURCES: All children are expected to bring in a small pencil case that includes:

  • a pencil
  • a ruler
  • a glue stick
  • wipeable whiteboard pen
  • red pen (optional)
  • purple pen (optional)

Children can bring in colouring pencils or felt tips in a separate pencil case that can stay in their bags/tray for use at wet play or Golden Time but the are not a 'must have'. We discourage the use of rubbers in school as we promote editing and showing their learning journey so these are not needed. Please support your teachers with having the basic stationary mentioned above with the least amount of distraction in their pencil cases. 


Every child must bring in a water bottle everyday as staying hydrated is key to learning. They the bottle must contain water as we have many children with various allergies. Please support us to keep everyone safe. We discourage fancy water bottles that tend to leak or spray (e.g. Air up with flavour pods)

Spring 2 Knowledge organiser- Music
