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Class Teachers: Mrs Nguyen (RN) and Miss Wiles (RW)

Teaching Assistants: Mrs M (RN) and Mrs Das (RW)


Welcome to Reception!


A very warm welcome to our Reception page. Please use this class page to find out any information about events in Reception, our curriculum and copies of letters that we send out.


Thank you. 


Mrs Nguyen and Miss Wiles. 

Reception Schedule.  













Forest School 

Return reading book and phonics homework.  




Return library books.  Reading book will be sent home. Please return each day. 


Library book for parents to read.  

Reading book will go home.  

Phonics Homework - put a dot next to the sounds they need more support with.  

PE Days


 PE lessons will start on Monday 11th September 2023. 


 PE will take place every Monday and Tuesday. Children will need to come to school in their PE kits. 

An appropriate PE kit is:

T-shirt in house colour

Forest green or black PE skirt, shorts or jogging bottoms (no other colours of leggings or jogging bottoms please)

Black pull on pumps or trainers (no laces) appropriate for outdoor wear.


Forest School

Our first Forest School session will take place on Friday 15th September 2023. 

Please remember that Forest School takes place every Friday afternoon. 

Your child should come to school wearing old clothes that you do not mind getting dirty. If there is a non-school uniform day or event in school later in the day, please send in the clothes for this seperately and we will encourage children to get changed. We recommend that all children bring in a change of clothes every Forest School day, especially socks, as we go out in all weather so they can end up getting wet/muddy!

Please ensure that your child has a set of waterproof clothes (preferably an all-in-one) and a pair of wellies that they can leave in school, as children have access to the outdoors every day and may need to wear these in between Forest School sessions.



Reading books will go home on Friday and will need to be returned on Monday. A  new reading book will be given on Wednesday. This will go home so that you can read with your children. It must be returned on Thursday and Friday as the children will read it during reading sessions. Many thanks. 


Library books will also go home on Fridays and will need to be returned on Wednesday.


Please look after the books - any damaged or lost books will need to be replaced before receiving a new book.

Thank you for your co-operation with this.smiley 


For parents | Letters and Sounds ( 



What are we learning in Summer 2? 
